Current News
New Charlie Hunter out April 2025
Currently reading:
TS Eliot - Four Quartets
Ted Hughes - Crow
David Bates - William the Conqueror
Primo Levi - Il Sistema Periodico
James Clear - Die 1% - Methode
Currently watching:
Yoga Body Lucas Rockwood - You Tube
Currently Listening to:
Nick Cave -Wild God
Alex Coombs was born in Lambeth in 1961. He grew up in Bucks in the Chilterns near High Wycombe and went to school in Marlow.
He attended Oxford (St Peter's College) then Edinburgh University where he studied Arabic and Islamic History. He has lived and worked in the Middle East and London. He is also a qualified chef and has cooked in a variety of kitchens, restaurants, hotels and a conference centre. He currently lives in Bucks and Edinburgh.
About the author :
His hobbies are learning French, German and Italian.
He likes dogs.
His favourite books, The Tao Te Ching, The Execution of Justice by Durrenmatt, Labyrinths by Borges, The Flavour Thesaurus by Niki Segnit.
He is a qualified chef and was once sous-chef in an award-winning gastropub.
His favourite drink is tea ( black, no sugar).
He is a passionate fan of Hawkwind ever since he saw them at the Roundhouse back in the mid-seventies.
He likes boxing and keeping fit, yoga, gym, running, calisthenics.
His main interest in life is art and going to art galleries, that and food, both cooking and restaurants.